Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'm Baaaacckk!!

Well, here I am again. I know most of you out there have checking the blog religiously hoping and dreaming for my immediate return and lamenting my absence. This is for you! (who am I kidding?? A whole ONE of my faithful readers (about half of the whole list) emailed to ask how we were - Thanks Grandpa! No flooding here yet.)

The four of us were gone on a Bahamaian vacation with my parents. It was one would expect from 10 days in the Bahamas. We have been back a whole four days and pretty much jumped back into life with both feet. Laundry is mostly done and suitcases are mostly unapcked. More on the vacation details later. I have not uploaded my 150 pictures from my camera just yet so will hopefully tackle that in the next millenium and get those posted.

For those who are so anxious they are about to burst here is a small teaser...there are photos of a swimming pig! Who knew they could swim!? and for you 007 fans...we were at Club Thunderball - where the movie, Thunderball was filmed. Never heard of it myself but it WAS 9 years before I was born!

Rest easy dear readers, we are alive and will be hearing more from me later, whether you like it or not!

1 comment:

Lisha said...

Glad you had a wonderful time. We leave tomorrow for our wonderful vacation on the motorcycle. I feel like a terrible friend for not checking on you. I just don't connect you to St Louis. Sorry.Glad you're ok.