Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day of the Rest of My Life

Today was happy but surprisingly sad in a wistful kind of way. It was the first day of school for both of my children. Oddly, it was a brisk 62 degrees when we got to school. Double A started first grade and has moved out of the "pre-primary" section of her school. Big move. Bumblebee started pre-K at the same school. He has the same hours she does. So both kids are gone all day, every day. I am excited about all my new found free time to get some stuff done I have been putting off. However, I was unexpectedly a little sad. My babies are growing up. No more little ones at home. Let me make this VERY clear. I do NOT want more little ones. Still, them growing up has me a little wistful.

They were excited. Double A seemed to send a vibe that said "when are you guys going to leave the classroom and let me be??" She did great as I knew she would. Her highlights of the day were recess and lunch...of course. Bumblebee was my wild card. We thought he was excited but when you asked him he said no as if he thought we didn't want him to be excited or that he could not let on that he was. He went in and sat in his spot, smiled for his pic and out we went. He was happy when I picked him up but got grumpy with all the attention he was getting for his first day. He revealed more info later and just like his sister, spoke highly of recess. He also mentioned a few times how his teacher explained he could stay late and have snack and play outside if I did not come to pick him up on time. He finally admitted this sounded good! He was excited when he told me his teacher let him pick the books they were going to read. However, he could not recall which books or any of the kids names :)

At bedtime Bumblebee asked what we were doing tomorrow. I said he was going to school. "I go every day?" I worried he would not like this plan but said "yes, except weekends." He smiled and said "okay. good night."

We'll see how it goes from here.

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