Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wild and Crazy Summer

Well, we have had quite the adventure this summer and this has obviously prevented me from blogging anything. I thought about it frequently go.

We had our usual fun summer stuff such as our fourth annual "cruise" of the Bahamas with my parents and brother and his family. We also had the same blistering heat in St. Louis that most of the country has had...this means we really didn't so much of anything outside.

However, our biggest adventure has been...WE MOVED! We now live in Jackson, MS. I am pretty sure most (read: all) people who read this already know this bit of info so this post is kind of anticlimactic, I'm sure.

This move has been a long time in the making but we didn't tell anyone...the kids, friends or family until it was definite in mid April. We are thrilled to be closer to our family. We have gotten a lovely house and it even has a pool!! The kids are so excited about that particular development.

We have been here four weeks now. So, the first part of the summer and even late spring was completely consumed with getting the St. Louis house ready to sell, and traveling to MS to find a school and house. The last four - five weeks have been consumed with packing up the house, saying our goodbyes and now unpacking and meeting new people! I also squeezed in my 20th high school reunion! Double A even had the nerve to turn nine in the last week.

The kids start school Monday (tomorrow) and they are excited...and so am I! Bumblebee is a bit nervous, because that is his nature, but they will be just fine. Husband #1 has been at his new job for two weeks already and has hit the ground running with operating, etc. My new neighbors have been amazing at welcoming us and even held a lunch for them to meet me one day.

There are definitely things (mostly good friends) that we will miss about St. Louis but so far things have been going very well here. I hope it continues!

I will try to do some posts soon with pictures about our Bahamas trip, my reunion and the new house and the birthday. If anyone needs our address let me know! I am getting some address cards made and will send those out soon.

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