Saturday, July 26, 2008

We scoff at heat alerts

What did we do last Sunday when there was a heat alert for the heat index being 105 or something? We spent 7 hours straight outside doing manual labor!

This is what we started with...

This is where it was going...

This is what we ended up with!

It went shockingly well. The box said it would be between 8-10 hours. I had read reports online of others who purchased and installed playgyms and they were several days and broken pieces or missing pieces. It only took an actual 6 working hours. The kids love it.


Lisha said...

I'm impressed. Chris is a man of multiple talents. The heat is supposed to be bad here today and tomorrow. I think I will stay inside. At least today. Football starts tomorrow. So much fun I can hardly stand it.

tarab said...

Whoa!!! Brent needs a cool toolbelt like that!